
Sophrology works very well in groups as everyone experience the session individually, responding to the techniques in his/her own way.
Classes are held on specific themes, usually by series of five one-hour classes, in groups of 3 to 6 people.

Prices vary depending on the theme, the number of sessions and the location.

Discover sophrology

Five one-hour sessions to discover the key-techniques of Sophrology. Those interested to continue can join an intermediate group

“It helped me stop and relax. I was amazed to see the reactions of the body as early as the first session.”

“Very positive. I was expecting something similar to relaxation. Sophrology has more to offer like identifying tensions the better to release them, reinforcing the positive in my life, better awareness of my body.”

“A wonderful and enriching discovery. A I feel more able to cope with certain things.”

Stress management

You will learn how to relax, to identify your tensions, release them and prevent them from coming back. By developing a better awareness of the factors that create stress for you and of your reaction to them at an early stage, you will be able to manage them better. You will not suppress stressful events but you will be able to respond to them more selectively.

« I have realised that I am not self-confident enough. I should trust my first impression, as it is often right. »

Exam preparation

En trois séances d’une heure, apprends à gérer ton stress, améliorer ta concentration et développer ta confiance en toi. Des exercices simples, faciles à utiliser te seront enseignés pour ne pas paniquer le jour d’un examen, éviter le stress de la copie blanche et ne pas perdre tes moyens pendant un oral.

« Je n’ai plus de crampes dans le ventre avant les examens »

« Ces séances m’ont vraiment permis d’apprendre comment gérer le stress avant les contrôles mais aussi durant toute la journée. »

« Je viens d’avoir mes résultats : j’ai mon bac avec mention très bien ! Je voulais vous remercier car, sans la sophrologie, je n’y serais pas arrivée. »

« Le bac s’est bien passé et j’ai été très relax pendant cette semaine. Je faisais la séances de 15 min tous les soirs pendant la semaine et cela m’a beaucoup aidé. De plus, pendant les épreuves, lorsque je prenais des pauses aux toilettes je faisais les étirements qui me faisaient du bien. Je n’aurais pas pu passer à travers cette période sans votre aide. »

« J’ai appris des méthodes que l’on peut faire tous les jours à la maison pendant cinq ou dix minutes qui m’ont permis de me détendre dans un moment stressant. Personnellement, mes très bons résultats au baccalauréat ont été grâce à ces séances de sophrologie et donc je tiens à remercier Brigitte et à encourager n’importe qui de s’y mettre le plus tôt possible ! »


A mental, physical and emotional preparation for birth.

You will learn how to relax, to become more familiar with the changes in your body, more aware of what is going on in your body and to prepare for labour and delivery. Relaxation will help you bond with your unborn baby and be in tune with him/her.

A. discovered Sophrology when pregnant with her first child. At the time, she had to deal with an angry boss, her moving to a new country and the novelty of living with the future dad. She had had daily contractions as early as 3 months into pregnancy and a premature birth was feared. Sophrology and rest helped her relax and blossom. Contractions reduced dramatically and the baby was full term.

“Sophrology helped me think about the delivery in a calm, positive way. On D Day, I was able to cope with the first 20 hours of labour at home. I arrived at the hospital only three hours before my baby was born. I managed with the pain although it was a posterior baby.
Since then, I often use the Sophrology techniques whenever I need them, to reduce my anxiety or help me fall asleep.”

“Thank you so much for your help in preparing for my baby’s birth. He eventually arrived a few days before the due date. Sophrology really helped me during the whole process of giving birth, which was quite something: 27 hours of labour ending with a vacuum extraction delivery (my baby was probably feeling very comfortable inside!). I am sure I will keep using the techniques in other circumstances in my daily life.


Je propose des séances sur mesure pour votre association / organisation / entreprise / groupe divers. En fonction de votre demande, je crée un programme adapté à vos besoins (contenu, durée, fréquence, tarif)

« Atmosphère apaisante, respect de chacun, bonne mise en confiance »